Keeping updated

Setting up notifications

The majority of DAO governance activity happens on the RARI DAO Forum and Tally page. For anyone who wants to participate in decision-making, it is essential to keep up with the discussions and updates on both these platforms.

The easiest way to do it is by opting in for email notifications, which you can do by following the simple instructions below:


1) Log into your Discourse account on the forum you want to adjust notifications for.

2) Access your user profile: Click on your profile picture or avatar at the top-right corner of the forum page. A menu will appear.

3) Go to Preferences: In the dropdown menu that appears after clicking your avatar, select your profile, then click on "Preferences"

4) Navigate to Preferences in the header bar: Within the Preferences section, you'll find a tab or a link named "Emails". Click on it to access your notification settings.

Emails: This section allows you to set when and how often you receive email notifications for various activities and mentions.

5) Adjust your notification settings: Within the Notifications area, you'll find several options to customize how you receive notifications. These may include:

  • Categories: Here, you can choose to watch, track, or mute specific categories. Watching a category means you'll be notified of all new posts in that category.

  • Users: You can mute notifications from specific users or ensure you're notified whenever specific users post something.

  • Tags: Similar to categories, you can decide to watch, track, or mute specific tags.

6) Save changes: After adjusting your settings, make sure to save any changes you've made. There is usually a "Save Changes" button at the bottom of each settings page.


Please visit the official Tally docs for instructions.

Last updated